Truffle Shuffle: Glory Be The Cacao Nib

The base for these here truffles is the great cacao nib, chock full of REAL HEALTH benefits. It's not your over processed, sugar and chemical laden grocery store chocolate, no no no.  And the cacao nib health realness surpasses that of the dark chocolate bar (even those of the fancy fair trade variety). Cacao comes from the seeds of the fruit of the cacao tree. It's chocolate in its realest and purest state. 

And since I'm all for eating to feel good and to look good, let's be real people - eating real food makes ya skin glow like a lightbulb, brings clarity to those peepers,

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Carrots 3 Ways #1 No Bake Carrot Bites

In an effort to get more families and singles in the kitchen, I'm always tryin' to think up ways to consolidate what I know and learned about cooking into a functional tool. So cooking and baking aren't seen as repetitive or boring but creative and useful.

Carrots can be roasted as a side or made in to a soup. Used in stir fry, curry and noodle dishes. We all know you can bake cake with 'em and here you'll learn how to make some fun no bake bites with a recipe you can adapt into pancakes and muffins. Made with real ingredients, here’s a natural path to breakfast, sweet treats and a feel good way to get the kids involved and in the kitchen

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Chicken Soup For The Soul + Life's Simple Pleasures

After 4 days alone and quarantined in my apartment, I've been living on homemade chicken soup. It's times like these I know I'll get by because there's always stock in my home to make something. No desperate soup orders for this woman, only the finest thighs from the back of the freezer. 

The simplicity of a bowl of soup is comfort, ease and happiness and it does the same thing for me when I'm sick - minus hugs from my mom.

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Amping Up Your Avocado Toast, Signs Of Hunger + How To Be Prepared

I'll be going out to lunch today so I wanted a breakfast that would sustain my energy and give me a boost for the long walk I plan on taking. I know my body and I know it'll be feeding time at the zoo well before 1pm, so I've got my snack bag packed so I'm not skipping and then dipping into whatever looks good to feast on at 1pm. 

Having breakfast at 7:30am and waiting 5.5 hours to eat lunch is a NO GO in my book and kinda in everyone else's. Checking in on hunger can be tricky, but building a habit out of it is how you recognize it. Here's how. 

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The Benefits Of A Stocked Pantry: A Visual Feast

Imagine a world in which you weren't always wondering what's for breakfast or grabbing on the go, Imagine a world in which you weren't always wondering what's for breakfast or grabbing on the go, which ends up costing more money and time in the long run. A little planning always gives back the gift of time on the back end. It takes longer to scramble in a moment and wait for deliveries or on deli lines than it does to simply be prepared. Preparation and having choices leads to health, so make it a habit starting today.

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A Lighter Bolognese

A few tweaks to this Sunday bolognese make it not so traditional, but lighter and quick to make. Sure we're losing the pork and beef, substituting for turkey, but we've still got a healthy pour of red wine and finish with a splash of half and half to cut some of the acid and cream up this sauce - all without the ritual of cooking for 2-3 hours. 

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Feed Yourself With Your Eyes + Eat With Flavor (some tips + a recipe)

An open face omelette can be stuffed with any topping, leftover, vegetable, meat, you name it. WAY QUICKER than my favorite, the frittata, this is a quick morning, evening or weekend way to make a pretty bite. Why do I say make a pretty bite? It's because we are first fed with our eyes. Similar to attraction, stares from across a room, the look over the shoulder and glance back, the bend and snap for those Legally Blonde Fans

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The Leftover Diaries

A big bodacious salad is the easiest way to stick a bunch of goodies into one bowl and have a taste bud party. Growing up we had a no waste rule in our home and we also had no money. There was no Seamless or Uber Eats, so I took what I was taught and crafted my eating and living philosophy around that.

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tina corrado
Christmas Carrots + How To Dress 'Em Up

Want a quick holiday side that you can make ahead? 2 words rainbow carrots.

Rainbow carrots will fill your holiday table or family salad with color. Simple to prepare and a gift that keeps on giving they're deliciously sweet when roasted. Plain roasting has always been my thing, that way I can make a veggie sing afterwards.

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On Eating In Color: From Cooking At Home To Dining Out

Aren't vegetables pretty? Part of learning to eat well is making the time to get curious and grocery shop, from farmers markets to your local store. Notice I wrote making the time to get curious. Feeling well, learning to shop and cook 1 or 2 things (as I always recommend having a beginners mindset - start by roasting a tray of vegetables on a Sunday) can change your eating in no time. Sure, it takes some effort, it takes committing and it's not always easy - but we make time for what we want. Sit with that thought for a moment. Do you want to feel good about the food you put in your body?

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Banana Peanut Butter Pancakes + Notes On Cooking

Now, hear me out, waking up and making homemade pancakes isn't everyone's jam nor would I expect it to be. I'm a fool who loves cooking, experimenting, freestyling recipes and bringing them to you. And a lot of folks who are on their own personal journey to cook and feel well may be intimidated by all this cooking I do ... but I don't want you to be. Not for one minute because I've got you. 

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Salads Are A Meal: A True Story Of Food + Love

Anyone who says a salad isn't a meal has been 1) shopping incorrectly their whole life 2) ordering out all wrong 3) missing serious green lovin' big time.

Please note I'm not talking about fried chicken cutlet salads bathed in ranch dressing, which are cool when you're in like Phoenix, Arizona and the options are limited - I've been there

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Raw Vegan Loaded Oatmeal Cookies

I mentioned it earlier that I'm not a big fan of baking. I enjoy the making of brownies, different types of bars, chocolate barks and nut butter cups and especially my no bake balls. I dabble in the art of raw vegan cookie dough and the other morning while horsing around in the kitchen I happened upon a happy cookie accident.

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Mini Veggie Frittatas

Growing up eggs were a staple in our home. From eggs in purgatory to peppers, potatoes and eggs and giant frittatas - they made for an appearance at dinner least one night of the week. These mini veggie stuffed frittatas are bite sized and filled with flavor, perfect for breakfast, a quick party appetizer, mid-day snack, lunch or dinner with soup or salad.

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Dress Up Your Vegetables

I enjoy fashions and accessories, even if I can't afford much of either these days. And having worked in design for 10 years certainly helped shape how I view a plate. Your food doesn't have to look like this, but it sure is fun to try. Plating food and taking photos of it is my own little art project after the cooking is done...

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Stuffed Spaghetti Squash Dreams

If a vegetable has a hole or cavity I will stuff it. I should have been a dude, God knows I have the humor of a 17 year old boy. But really, stuffing squashes is wonderful and handy for a few reasons:

  1. You'll be straight feasting on a whole, filling, veggie based meal! HOORAY! AND YOU'RE GONNA FEEL GREAT ABOUT IT!
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