Posts tagged carrots
Tina’s Ridiculously Simple Tomato Soup

Canned tomatoes, chicken stock (or concentrated bullion) wine, butter and onions are something I always have in my home. And, usually, a few carrots or bag of baby peeled carrots so I have something lying around when I want to snack “sensibly.” All of the above are my cooking essentials, particularly in the case of the aforementioned wine. Anything that allows me to cook and party, well, I’m into it. 

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Not Your Nonna's Fagiole (Bean) Soup

Lately I’m dropping beans into bowls like they’re hot …
1) ’Cause they’re easy to cook (hello, can opener!) and prepare well ahead of time.
2) They’re inexpensive, while also being filling. See more on #3
3) Finally, they add a meatless, high fiber protein pop to mealtime.

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Mom's Carrot Cake

When I was growing up and still, to this day, my mother makes a carrot cake that is to die for. As a child I would sneak slices in the middle of the night while no one was watching; it was just me, my carrot cake and Arsenio. I imagined I’d one day make it on my own, that I wouldn’t have to eat it alone in secret or in shame and that day came.

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A Hearty Bean & Kale Soup

Today it was 65 degrees and gloomy all day in NYC. A slight chill was in the air, a slight chill only soup could solve.  I’ve been on somewhat of a grind to find work, so I’m a little slow in body and mind these days, but still feel happy and pretty hopeful overall. It’s when I step into my kitchen to cook that the most hope fills me up.

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Farmers Kitchen Sink Summer Salad

Tomorrow I head back to New York after two weeks of being in the south.  I love being with and around my family, close to the beach, the smell of salt water, rainy concrete, morning bike rides with swan sightings and cranes in the distance - I think you get it.  My mom still isn’t feeling herself, which worries me because life is fragile and

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If You Ain't Dippin,' You Must Be Trippin' - Part 1

Listen, I know most folks want gourmet meals prepared and chicken cordon bleu on Tuesday nights - but I've reframed meals to mean anything that satisfies me and hits my vegetable quotient for the day. Perhaps you're rolling your eyes, more vegetables, and I say - the more veggies and simple food you eat, the more you actually crave them.

A good bean or veggie based dip can be used to top off your grain bowls, salads and roasted veggies. It can get smeared on bread

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Carrots 3 Ways #2 + #3: Pancakes + Muffins

When I got too lazy during my carrot cake bite experiment (one lady can only roll so many balls and eat so many on her own), I decided to take the remaining batter, refrigerate it and save it for later use.

By adding the remaining carrots I grated, along with 2 eggs, some coconut oil, a splash of vanilla extract and some baking powder - I created a new batter that was fit for PANCAKE OR MUFFIN making.

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Carrots 3 Ways #1 No Bake Carrot Bites

In an effort to get more families and singles in the kitchen, I'm always tryin' to think up ways to consolidate what I know and learned about cooking into a functional tool. So cooking and baking aren't seen as repetitive or boring but creative and useful.

Carrots can be roasted as a side or made in to a soup. Used in stir fry, curry and noodle dishes. We all know you can bake cake with 'em and here you'll learn how to make some fun no bake bites with a recipe you can adapt into pancakes and muffins. Made with real ingredients, here’s a natural path to breakfast, sweet treats and a feel good way to get the kids involved and in the kitchen

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Christmas Carrots + How To Dress 'Em Up

Want a quick holiday side that you can make ahead? 2 words rainbow carrots.

Rainbow carrots will fill your holiday table or family salad with color. Simple to prepare and a gift that keeps on giving they're deliciously sweet when roasted. Plain roasting has always been my thing, that way I can make a veggie sing afterwards.

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