Posts tagged snack
No Waste Kale Stem Hummus + Classic Guacamole

At the end of the week I had a few spoonfuls of kale stem hummus and guacamole left, so you must know what I did?! Yup, I mixed the two together to make the creamiest topping to my lunchtime salad. Learn how to make a veggie filled hummus and a classic guac that will last in your fridge for days. Get your snack on!

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Home Alone Chocolate Loaf

The other morning I woke up to three very ripe bananas hanging from the hook on the far left of my utility stand in my kitchen. I watched them for days, moving from green to perfectly ripe. Eventually they became speckled with spots and then, finally, covered in brown with no prayer to be eaten. I truly had intentions to eat one

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Memories of Blueberries + Cream

When I was kid I spent a lot of time sleeping at friends homes. Between my moms schedule; one that required taking my brother to the hospital a few days a week, and dads late nights truck driving - memories of food that I built outside of my family home have stayed in my heart and still give me comfort today. I loved sleeping over Antoinette’s and it wasn’t just because she had two older brothers that were handsome

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An 8 Recipe Round-Up To Get You Through The Quarantine

My Dear Friends and Family - As we all sit in a giant bottomless bowl of uncertainty soup, I want to remind you that we can also access our joy at any point in the day. It’s a choice. I know we’re living in unprecedented times and it’s scary. I’m trying to find the gift of time with myself, without being afraid of myself and without thinking into the future.

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Spiced Chickpeas

I’ve been eating a lot of beans. Shocking. I must begin these blog posts with that line at least 3x a week. And, being as my life goal is to make a bean cookbook before I die or head to some sort of after life where I pray (as much as I love beans) that I can eat more cannoli’s than beans without feeling the wrath of sugar ills and where I can drink more Negroni’s

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Triple Spiced Canneillni Spread

Tired of hummus? Same old, same old dip? Don’t just spice it up, triple spice it up!
Fresh out of chickpeas after last weeks bean filled bonanaza, I had a can of cannellini to spare. Instead of using them in their standard Italian preparation, I took them on a new flavor journey.

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Two Salsas For Your July 4th Table

Making salsa is simple. It requires little prep, minimal tools and ingredients that are easy to come by in your grocery store. A certified crowd pleaser, great for vegetarians, vegans and even your meaty buddies (scoop this fruit salsa on a burger, shrimp or salmon) and delight everyone around your table.

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10 Minute Skillet Granola

I closed in on a quick granola for the yogurt, muffin, oatmeal and fruit topping win! And I baked some apples that were looking sad in my fridge! Most days in my kitchen, cooking is about using what I’ve got in order to survive hunger, mealtime and loneliness. Lemme not go down the emotion path and keep this on the quick cooking tip!

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A Kirby Cucumber Crostini

Last Tuesday I met a woman named Mary Heyward, and two days a week - on Tuesdays and Thursdays - she sells her vegetables at the Surfside Farmers Market in South Carolina. I let her know I had to come back to her stand because her kirby cucumbers were, by far, the sweetest and crunchiest I’ve ever had. She sold me her

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Two Speedy Stovetop Veggie Sides For Summer

This week I spent $13.49 on vegetables to get me through the week until I fly south to see the family. That said, it's been hot and sticky here in NY which means that roasting and turning on the oven is a huge no no.  Luckily, my life is pretty saucy (that's a pesto joke) and I've figured out a thing or two when it comes to cooking veggies on

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A Few New Ways To Use Avocados + Arugula

If you’ve read anything I’ve ever written recently or in the past, you know I’m single and over buy produce - it’s my thing. I’m a well intentioned shopper and eater who is sometimes tempted by wine, crepes, a night out or sushi on my couch. Every week I buy what looks best at the market - my only goal is to refresh my refrigerator with real/fresh food and produce.

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Beat That Beet Up

A few weeks I bought my favorite pre-peeled and pre-cooked Gefen Organic Beets. 

Why do I love these whole peeled, ready to eat, vacuum sealed, organic beets?

Because they are mess and hassle free, my weeknight lunch prepping and snacky friends.

Put them in a quick salad, eat them as is (I'm strange, I can snack on sweet beets and sometimes I crave exactly that) or turn them into your favorite dip. 

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A Salad Less Ordinary + A 2 Ingredient Avocado Spread

I’ve been cooking quite a bit, but with the balancing of substitute teaching and coaching - recipe posting has taken a backseat for the moment. Waking at 5am and getting home at 4pm, although shorter than my corporate days are still somewhat anxiety filled (counting kids and making sure everyone is learning, getting along, practicing kindness and has not gone missing) but much more joyful. 
Saying I’m ok with not writing and running myself ragged while I continue to take on new work and projects makes me proud, where as in the past I would have made myself feel terrible for not doing it all.
Maybe you’re thinking, why is this broad telling me this? Just gimme the recipe for that green stuff on that salad and I’ll be on my way … 

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The Secret To Eating Well Is Keeping Things Simple + Saucy

Routine is wonderful and keeps us in check, but stepping outside of our comfort zone is essential for growth - in life and food. And keeping things saucy is certainly one of my secrets to making meals consistently fun and tasty. I don’t know if I could eat chicken, rice and broccoli or the same one pot meal over and over again throughout the week - not without some special sauces. 

If you like the kitchen and if you don’t mind getting in it, dare to keep it saucy. 

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One Tray, One Dream

Once a week I do a produce refresh for my lunches and dinners and I wrote about it here. 

Today I'm gonna go a little more in depth with regard to what landed on my table from that one cooking session. And please don't think this is how you have to cook, not in any way, I'm simply sharing the possibilities that come with making a tray of veggies and how they can have use in your day and meals beyond a simple side eaten as is. This is inspiration. A recommendation. Maybe some motivation. 

Veggies can be used to create the base for a multitude of meals (at least in my single lady world)

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If You Ain't Dippin,' You Must Be Trippin' - Part 2

At 11:35am I made myself a hummus and almond bread sandwich with a cucumber and tomato salad on the side. Lunch doesn't get any simpler than hummus and veggies. Packed with fiber, protein and pleasing texture thanks to Trader Joe's Everything But The Bagel Seasoning.

My tip: this is a traditional hummus, but not as strong with the lemon. I use only the juice from 1/2 a lemon, a little bit of zest and a shake of cumin as I don't want the lemon and cumin competing with the Everything Seasoning. 

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If You Ain't Dippin,' You Must Be Trippin' - Part 1

Listen, I know most folks want gourmet meals prepared and chicken cordon bleu on Tuesday nights - but I've reframed meals to mean anything that satisfies me and hits my vegetable quotient for the day. Perhaps you're rolling your eyes, more vegetables, and I say - the more veggies and simple food you eat, the more you actually crave them.

A good bean or veggie based dip can be used to top off your grain bowls, salads and roasted veggies. It can get smeared on bread

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