Posts tagged avocado
No Waste Kale Stem Hummus + Classic Guacamole

At the end of the week I had a few spoonfuls of kale stem hummus and guacamole left, so you must know what I did?! Yup, I mixed the two together to make the creamiest topping to my lunchtime salad. Learn how to make a veggie filled hummus and a classic guac that will last in your fridge for days. Get your snack on!

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Soft Breakfast Taco

Breakfast is one of my favorite meals of the day. I go to sleep thinking about eating breakfast because I look forward to quiet mornings and setting up my day. Breakfast time allows me to put myself first before my time becomes someone else’s - be it school or a client. And if you’re not into cooking or trying to take some steps toward healthier habits, breakfast is a good place to start.

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A Bodacious Breakfast Crostini

The recommendation from my friend Susana was to go out for breakfast this morning, and I was totally into it. A morning off from family cooking sounded glorious until I thought about all of the avocados sitting on the counter, the giant onions staring back at me and the dozen and a half eggs sitting in the refrigerator.  I couldn’t justify spending money on breakfast

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A Few New Ways To Use Avocados + Arugula

If you’ve read anything I’ve ever written recently or in the past, you know I’m single and over buy produce - it’s my thing. I’m a well intentioned shopper and eater who is sometimes tempted by wine, crepes, a night out or sushi on my couch. Every week I buy what looks best at the market - my only goal is to refresh my refrigerator with real/fresh food and produce.

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A Salad Less Ordinary + A 2 Ingredient Avocado Spread

I’ve been cooking quite a bit, but with the balancing of substitute teaching and coaching - recipe posting has taken a backseat for the moment. Waking at 5am and getting home at 4pm, although shorter than my corporate days are still somewhat anxiety filled (counting kids and making sure everyone is learning, getting along, practicing kindness and has not gone missing) but much more joyful. 
Saying I’m ok with not writing and running myself ragged while I continue to take on new work and projects makes me proud, where as in the past I would have made myself feel terrible for not doing it all.
Maybe you’re thinking, why is this broad telling me this? Just gimme the recipe for that green stuff on that salad and I’ll be on my way … 

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A $15 Produce Refresh + This Week's Food Map

I spent about $15 at the market to refresh my produce and I'll combine that with leftover produce, pantry items/staples to make meals throughout the week. Because of my teaching and coaching schedule I've been eating many, many more veggie based bowls lately. Lots of colors layered with whole grains, sauces for flavor and in the evenings mainly soups/salads and toasts with avocado or hummus.

This is a system that's been working for me and to be wholly honest I probably wouldn't be cooking in such volume for myself if I wasn't trying to keep my food costs down.

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Amping Up Your Avocado Toast, Signs Of Hunger + How To Be Prepared

I'll be going out to lunch today so I wanted a breakfast that would sustain my energy and give me a boost for the long walk I plan on taking. I know my body and I know it'll be feeding time at the zoo well before 1pm, so I've got my snack bag packed so I'm not skipping and then dipping into whatever looks good to feast on at 1pm. 

Having breakfast at 7:30am and waiting 5.5 hours to eat lunch is a NO GO in my book and kinda in everyone else's. Checking in on hunger can be tricky, but building a habit out of it is how you recognize it. Here's how. 

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Miso Guac Toasts with Poached Eggs

For my fifth and final toast post of the week, I'm bringing you a delightful way to use miso. Maybe you've never used it at home but know it's a key ingredient in many Asian dishes, soups and dressings. BRING MISO INTO YOUR HOME, IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE. I say change your life and that's dramatic, but it will certainly be more tasty. You've nothing to fear by using it ...

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Horseradish Avocado Toast

I already bitched about why no one should be paying $12 for avocado toast. Now, you might want to do yourself a favor and invest in a $2.39 bottle of horseradish as it can kick up anything from your avocado toasts, to eggs, sauces, dressings and beyond. No ingredient is 1 dimensional and I want you to stop thinking that way.

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