Posts tagged leftovers
Meat + Veggie Lovers Leftover Pizza Omelette

I love eggs. I love my eggs scrambled, sunny side up and poached. Sure, I also love a fluffy filled to the max mega frittata and the popular omelette but, of late, my only true love is the open faced omelette. The open faced omelette, AKA the pizza omelette - made with a thin layer of egg and then piled high with ingredients such as veggies, meats and/or cheese

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Happy National Taco-ish Day

Because, sometimes, a spicy beef bowl is so necessary and so simple to put together on a Thursday night after long day of work. I’m still working, who are we kidding because having 3 jobs ain’t easy. Being single means you can work all night if you don’t give yourself a time to stop and working from home means you do this in

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A Few New Ways To Use Avocados + Arugula

If you’ve read anything I’ve ever written recently or in the past, you know I’m single and over buy produce - it’s my thing. I’m a well intentioned shopper and eater who is sometimes tempted by wine, crepes, a night out or sushi on my couch. Every week I buy what looks best at the market - my only goal is to refresh my refrigerator with real/fresh food and produce.

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A $15 Produce Refresh + This Week's Food Map

I spent about $15 at the market to refresh my produce and I'll combine that with leftover produce, pantry items/staples to make meals throughout the week. Because of my teaching and coaching schedule I've been eating many, many more veggie based bowls lately. Lots of colors layered with whole grains, sauces for flavor and in the evenings mainly soups/salads and toasts with avocado or hummus.

This is a system that's been working for me and to be wholly honest I probably wouldn't be cooking in such volume for myself if I wasn't trying to keep my food costs down.

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One Tray, One Dream

Once a week I do a produce refresh for my lunches and dinners and I wrote about it here. 

Today I'm gonna go a little more in depth with regard to what landed on my table from that one cooking session. And please don't think this is how you have to cook, not in any way, I'm simply sharing the possibilities that come with making a tray of veggies and how they can have use in your day and meals beyond a simple side eaten as is. This is inspiration. A recommendation. Maybe some motivation. 

Veggies can be used to create the base for a multitude of meals (at least in my single lady world)

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I Whipped These Zoodles Back + Forth

In an effort to use remaining roasted cauliflower, broccoli, kale and some tomatoes that were on their way out - I threw them into a pan along with zoodles I had sitting in refrigerator storage for over a week. Yes, over a week. It was about 10 days of sitting which usually never happens in my world but ... never say never. 

So, zoodles, also known in my world as Faux-Pas-Ta and zoodles DO NOT replace pasta in my book. I still eat pasta, my body was built on spaghetti (and Sophia Loren said it best and said it first "Everything you see, I owe to spaghetti.") but I do love being able to sneak more fiber into my maw and very much enjoy how all of the bright colors make me feel. I also love the spirals, the twirling, the shape and how these hold up alongside other veggies. 

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Salads Are A Meal: A True Story Of Food + Love

Anyone who says a salad isn't a meal has been 1) shopping incorrectly their whole life 2) ordering out all wrong 3) missing serious green lovin' big time.

Please note I'm not talking about fried chicken cutlet salads bathed in ranch dressing, which are cool when you're in like Phoenix, Arizona and the options are limited - I've been there

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