Posts tagged roasting
Homemade Veggie Burgers

The freezer section of my local grocer was tapped out of my favorite veggie burgers which was a bummer. Until I discovered I could make an equally if not more delectable veggie burger by tapping into my vegetable meal prep and pantry. If you roast veggies, have a can of beans on hand, some greens and breadcrumbs you can make this too.

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Tourlou Tourlou: Greek Oven Roasted Vegetable Stew

To my knowledge tourlou tourlou translates in Greek to all mixed up. I love saying tourlou tourlou. Roll your r’s and repeat tourlou tourlou as though conjuring up a most intoxicating spell. And, I suppose this rustic all vegetable stew could be likened to an intoxicating spell all its own. Vegan friendly and the perfect hearty crowd pleaser […]

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Spiced Chickpeas

I’ve been eating a lot of beans. Shocking. I must begin these blog posts with that line at least 3x a week. And, being as my life goal is to make a bean cookbook before I die or head to some sort of after life where I pray (as much as I love beans) that I can eat more cannoli’s than beans without feeling the wrath of sugar ills and where I can drink more Negroni’s

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The Best $2.49 I'll Likely Spend This Week

As a woman who loves a bargain, I’ve translated the process I have with clothes - often times bragging to my friends that my whole outfit was purchased for $27.76 on a high fashion Old Navy day - into grocery shopping. The thrill of turning the pages of a circular and glancing at signs that read FRESH LONG ISLAND CAULIFLOWER $2.49

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Three Ways with Tina: Eggplant Option #1 Vegetable Tart

With summer officially gone, so with it goes seasonal eggplants and many of my other farm fresh favorite vegetables. The eggplant will likely be prepared in my kitchen in the coming months,  clearly not locally sourced (don’t produce shame me), so I scooped up three purple beauties at a farmers market last week.

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Christmas Carrots + How To Dress 'Em Up

Want a quick holiday side that you can make ahead? 2 words rainbow carrots.

Rainbow carrots will fill your holiday table or family salad with color. Simple to prepare and a gift that keeps on giving they're deliciously sweet when roasted. Plain roasting has always been my thing, that way I can make a veggie sing afterwards.

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On Eating In Color: From Cooking At Home To Dining Out

Aren't vegetables pretty? Part of learning to eat well is making the time to get curious and grocery shop, from farmers markets to your local store. Notice I wrote making the time to get curious. Feeling well, learning to shop and cook 1 or 2 things (as I always recommend having a beginners mindset - start by roasting a tray of vegetables on a Sunday) can change your eating in no time. Sure, it takes some effort, it takes committing and it's not always easy - but we make time for what we want. Sit with that thought for a moment. Do you want to feel good about the food you put in your body?

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Dress Up Your Vegetables

I enjoy fashions and accessories, even if I can't afford much of either these days. And having worked in design for 10 years certainly helped shape how I view a plate. Your food doesn't have to look like this, but it sure is fun to try. Plating food and taking photos of it is my own little art project after the cooking is done...

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A Roasted Vegetable Round-Up + Why I Do It (Roast) Weekly

The one thing I've done most weekends or one weeknight a week for the last 16 years (aside from wake up every morning and have a glass of water and go for a walk) is roast a tray of vegetables, cut up and/or steam - so I'm set for mindful mindless meal prep during the week. And I sort of hate myself for typing that because I sound like the biggest fucking bore - but I love myself - all at once. That's why I do it. The cooking, that is. 

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