Posts tagged radishes
A Salad Less Ordinary + A 2 Ingredient Avocado Spread

I’ve been cooking quite a bit, but with the balancing of substitute teaching and coaching - recipe posting has taken a backseat for the moment. Waking at 5am and getting home at 4pm, although shorter than my corporate days are still somewhat anxiety filled (counting kids and making sure everyone is learning, getting along, practicing kindness and has not gone missing) but much more joyful. 
Saying I’m ok with not writing and running myself ragged while I continue to take on new work and projects makes me proud, where as in the past I would have made myself feel terrible for not doing it all.
Maybe you’re thinking, why is this broad telling me this? Just gimme the recipe for that green stuff on that salad and I’ll be on my way … 

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On Eating In Color: From Cooking At Home To Dining Out

Aren't vegetables pretty? Part of learning to eat well is making the time to get curious and grocery shop, from farmers markets to your local store. Notice I wrote making the time to get curious. Feeling well, learning to shop and cook 1 or 2 things (as I always recommend having a beginners mindset - start by roasting a tray of vegetables on a Sunday) can change your eating in no time. Sure, it takes some effort, it takes committing and it's not always easy - but we make time for what we want. Sit with that thought for a moment. Do you want to feel good about the food you put in your body?

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