Posts tagged banana
Home Alone Chocolate Loaf

The other morning I woke up to three very ripe bananas hanging from the hook on the far left of my utility stand in my kitchen. I watched them for days, moving from green to perfectly ripe. Eventually they became speckled with spots and then, finally, covered in brown with no prayer to be eaten. I truly had intentions to eat one

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Fruity Oatmeal Breakfast Bake

This fruity oatmeal bake came about because I want a good, warming breakfast in the morning without relying on eggs or having to start from scratch to make something in the AM. Staring into the depths of my freezer I questioned when I’d make a smoothie again and honestly answered myself with a “no time soon.” In the colder months I’m way less about smoothies and more about comfort.

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Banana Peanut Butter Pancakes + Notes On Cooking

Now, hear me out, waking up and making homemade pancakes isn't everyone's jam nor would I expect it to be. I'm a fool who loves cooking, experimenting, freestyling recipes and bringing them to you. And a lot of folks who are on their own personal journey to cook and feel well may be intimidated by all this cooking I do ... but I don't want you to be. Not for one minute because I've got you. 

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Banana Peanut Butter Chip Oatmeal

Food is delicious. It's nutritious. There are so many ways and why's to how we feed ourselves. When I see this oatmeal, I do get excited. I know it's good for my body, my mind, and it will keep me full and energized. 

When I want a muffin, I will eat it. 
When I want a cookie, I will eat it.
But what I've learned about my own eating...

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Peanut Butter + Banana Breakfast

I'm holding a class this evening on breakfast and choices, so I thought it might be helpful to share what I'm eating this morning. Tina To Table is more than a recipe hub, it's a look inside my kitchen and mind - where the hope is that my choices and story with food may serve to inspire you to take a look at how you want to feel, your habits and emotions when it comes to food and your life. 

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