10 Minute Skillet Granola

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I closed in on a quick granola for the yogurt, muffin, oatmeal and fruit topping win! And I baked some apples that were looking sad in my fridge!

Most days in my kitchen, cooking is about using what I’ve got in order to survive hunger, mealtime and loneliness.

Lemme not go down the emotion path and keep this on the quick cooking tip!

The great part about granola is that you can make it from any nuts, seeds and/or . dried fruit you have around. Build it from what you have and get that skillet hot! This is yet another reason to have that pantry of yours stocked with nuts and goodies, so you can freestyle your very own granola like a kitchen boss!


Quick Skillet Granola (10 minutes, no excuses)

1 tablespoon coconut oil
1 cup rolled oats
1 tablespoon maple syrup, raw honey or agave
Handful of mixed Walnuts, pumpkin seeds, almonds and pecans (go NUTS and use what you like)
Handful of mixed dried fruit: I usually opt for @traderjoes all natural sun dried raisins and cranberries 
Heat coconut oil in Skillet
Add oats and toast up for 3-5 minutes over medium flame, constantly moving
Drizzle maple syrup or honey and continue moving in skillet
Add nuts and cook for another 3-5 minutes - again, constantly moving so nothing burns or sticks
Remove from heat and mix in dried fruit