Banana Almond Cacao Cookies


These banana almond cacao cookies came about from a few brown bananas, a quiet morning sipping tea and a need to go slow and recover from the week. They’re totally passable for breakfast, you know, being as they’re made with flax meal, bananas and almonds. A simple breakfast cookie that can be frozen and grabbed on the go - these pair well with a plain yogurt and some fruit, a quick scramble (if you need a sweet chaser during that PMS week) or enjoy them for dessert or as a snack with tea.

I cannot tell a lie, I had two for breakfast and I couldn’t be happier - even as I sit here typing … sorta sick and sorta tired. My belief has always been that no one can take care of us better than us, so even through being sick and working a few jobs - I’ll always be able to depend on myself.

Cook and bake your way to love and caring for yourself.

Happy Saturday.



Banana Almond Cacao Cookies
makes 28
great for breakfast
freeze well for grab and go breakfast or a sweet treat fix

2 ripened bananas (can be from a frozen batch if you freeze your bananas for smoothies and oatmeal, they can be repurposed here too)
1 large egg
1/4 cup melted coconut oil
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
1 1/2 cups almond meal or almond flour
1/4 cup flax meal
1/3 cup of brown sugar
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup cacao nibs (can use mini-chips or high quality chopped dark chocolate, I use nibs because I have them at home because they pack a nutritional punch - although don’t seek them out for sweet, they’re more like sucking on a coffee bean - and I use them for my homemade truffles)
1/3 cup coarsely chopped almonds or slivered almonds

Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Place all dry ingredients in a large bowl and whisk together: almond meal, flax meal, sugar, baking soda and salt
Using a food processor or you can do this by hand, mix/puree all wet ingredients: banana, egg, melted coconut oil and vanilla extract
Mix wet ingredients into dry ingredients until incorporated
Add almonds (or nut of choice) and cacao nibs (or chips)
Line a baking sheet with a silicon mat or parchment paper, scooping out 1 tablespoon per cookie and spacing about 1/2-3/4” apart as they will spread a bit
Bake for 12 minutes, until edges are brown
Allow to cool, cookies are soft and can be stored in a container in the refrigerator for up to 1 week or frozen, and I prefer to freeze and eat them right from there :)