Posts tagged movement
6 H-A-B-I-T-S To Think About Today

As we all know, habits are patterns we repeat over and over again until they become natural to us. Sometimes we have developed really fantastic habits and other times … um, not so much. A habit can be a difficult thing to make and an easy thing to break, but how we treat our own mind and body as well as how we treat others  can change the way we feel inside and out. Maintaining healthy habits can be hard in the midst of life, but I know from practice that it’s possible with some active thinking and, maybe, this acronym as a reminder.

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What Yoga Taught Me, We All Deserve To Move Our Body

To have a body is to have a good body. In the past I’ve received messages about losing weight and not being able to talk about inclusivity when it comes to health and movement, but that’s not fair. I have a story and a body that tells a story. A mind and body that I was ashamed of after weight loss because of excess skin and habits that buried me in shame. Exercise has not remedied my skin or fixed me, nor has yoga; but I’ll tell you what movement, particularly yoga, has done for me.

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