I Didn't Make This Pizza (GASP)!

The day finally came, I warmed up a frozen cauliflower crust pizza (already topped) for my family Friday night dinner. And it was pretty delicious. It felt all kinds of wrong being as we are 1) Italian and 2) my father had a pizzeria but 3) I don’t care. I’m human and making homemade cauliflower crust pizza for dinner wasn’t in the timeline for the day, I needed a beach and some time out of the kitchen. 

I’ve been in the south for about two weeks now as my mother recovers from back surgery. Trying my best to keep dinners simple and fresh, I’ve been cooking nightly because mom needs good nutrition to get back to her best self and her movement is limited. My father likely won’t appreciate me writing this, but he can’t do it on his own because 1) he’s aging and 2) his back is shot. Watching my father tie my 44 year old brother’s shoe laces this morning was enough to send me into the spare room crying.  These are the realities of aging parents and having a physically disabled older brother. So, I sorta feel like a frozen cauliflower crust pizza saved my life tonight. I got some time out of the house, time to think, cry alone on a beach and not be so consumed with what I was getting on the table. 

Spending $13.50 at Costco will get you 2 cauliflower crust pizza pies, loaded with veggies, non-GMO, gluten free and with ingredients you can pronounce - not a ton of fillers. A whole pie serves 4 humans quite nicely, not abundantly. You can serve it with more sides, a nice light bean salad or eat it alone.  

I placed the frozen pizza in a 425 degree oven for 15 minutes and received a crispy, not too cheesy, veggie loaded pizza I felt good about putting on my table. I served it with a big fresh salad, using 4 of the 26 cucumbers I scored at yesterday’s farmers market. Get ready for a lot of cucumbers posts on Tina To Table. 

Frozen food has a bad rap because a lot of it isn’t great, but I gotta say that this isn’t the case with Milton’s Craft Bakers Thin and Crispy Cauliflower Crust Pizza.  The world of frozen food is filled with pretty tremendous alternatives so even the person who likes cooking the least can still make healthful choices for their family.  Frozen product has come a long way and I can’t wait to share more frozen foods I love and new ways to use frozen veggies - from pestos to dips, spreads and stir fry. Perfect for my single lady life of eating and doing. And, now I know I can pass it off on my family too.

I'll be updating Tina to Table with my latest Costco and Trader Joe's frozen time saver finds and all of the freshness I've been cooking up over the past two weeks down here in the beautiful south.  

Happy Pizza Friday!