Dark Chocolate Almond Truffles
Dark Chocolate Almond Truffles
With holiday cookies running rampant everywhere, and since I've never been much of a baker, today I took a break from writing by making a few no bake bites for the ladies in my Monday evening workshop because they make me remember how good it feels to share. And that's why we live and cook, to share.
So, why no bake bites?
They are all natural, sized accordingly, pop a sweet hit without going into a sugar spiral and have actual health benefits. These make a great accompaniment to a morning yogurt and a mug of joe or snack on one or two with a piece of fruit. Remember, this life is all about listening to your body and balance. Oh, and the other benefit - aside from health and no oven use ... YOU MAKE THEM IN ONE BOWL!
But please don't get me wrong, I love a cookie. I bake them and they are delicious. I eat them and they are tasty, but baking is not my first love. Cooking has always reigned supreme for creativity and a gift that keeps on giving with variety. Cooking a meal really feeds my soul, I bake and ball when I can share. My mom is the most superior baker I know and while I was laying in bed on Saturday morning, sipping coffee from my Wonder Woman mug, she and I were having cookie talk. Mom makes something of 20-25 varieties of cookies and I give her credit for her yearly baking bonanza. She's doling out ideas left and right as I have a cookie swap this coming Saturday, which is great fun, but every year I tend to go rogue by making some sort of bark, truffle or bar like dessert. Nancy always let's it slide, and I love her for it. Besides, is variety not the spice of life?
Call them balls, call them bites, call it breakfast, dessert or dessert for breakfast. Perhaps they could also be the new hot cookie swap item? I come from a mind where anything is possible.
These are packed with a lot of nutritional love, like dates (great for digestion and contain potassium, GOODBYE PMS), almonds (hey now Vitamin E and glowing skin), oats (so long cholesterol and hello fiber), dark cocoa (um, magnesium is your friend to your brain and bowels) and coconut oil (one of my pantry staples and also my choice moisturizer, yes, I lube my body in coconut oil).
Make these with the kids! Have a blast! More options for alternative holiday sweet treats to come!
- 1 c. pitted dates, approximately 20
- 2 T. unsweetened dark cocoa powder
- 1/2 c. rolled oats
- 1/2 c. almonds
- 1 T. maple syrup or honey
- 1 T. coconut oil
- Pinch of salt
- Place all ingredients in the food processor and blend until fully combined
- Transfer to a large bowl
- Start to roll, grabbing about a tablespoon of the mix and form balls
- Plate and eat as is!
- Optional: roll in unsweetened powdered coconut or festive sprinkles - I left this batch as is because the texture from the almonds and oats gives this bite an all natural decoration!