Dear Apartment B2
Dear Apt B2,
Thank you. Thank you for your beautiful light, crown molding, sconces and archway. My first real kitchen with space to cook and eat, a New York dream most never experience - but you gave me that. The first time I saw you, my jaw dropped at the possibilities of how I would decorate you and what could happen here. You were big enough to hold real, adult furniture, a couch with a chaise lounge and a dining table … in one room! To think, you were so spacious and gave me room to breathe in New York City. And while you brought me some heartache, walking in and out of the front door - heartache beyond romance but that which I, myself, was responsible for - you also brought me so much joy. Some days that joy felt infinite.
My beloved fire escape is where I spent time tanning and drifting into books; drawing or writing for hours, eating meals and drinking wine. Often alone, I built a world here. I cried and wrote a world, all while getting tan. Alas, quiet morning coffee turned into longings as years passed by as life changed, my needs changed and so the story goes. Our only guarantee in this life is change.
While I wasn’t ready to let you go, I knew in my heart that I outgrew you. We did our best. I wanted to stop writing and thinking about how different life could be and actually do something about it. A life beyond the fire escape of dreams. It’s time to walk. 14 years, you’ve been my longest romance. Thank you for teaching me how to be on my own and how to love myself. How to create and let go.
I will remember you full and alive with artwork, macrame and plants. This lady bungalow that was inspired by a desire to bring outdoor vibrancy and calm inside when Queens felt too loud. You had readings nooks, 3 work/art stations, a crafting corner and a macrame wall - all within your very walls. The kitchen always remained a dimension of its own; while the fire escape was my Narnia.
Thank you, from the whole of my heart, for being the place where so many dreams started to come to life.
It’s time to say goodbye, sweet B2.
My love now awaits someone or something else. Somewhere else, perhaps. I will always love you.
Love Always,