Snack Hacks That Give Back
I’d like to start with a disclaimer: If you want the cookie, eat the damn cookie. I think all is fair in love, food and balance. My sweet treat ideas are meant to be nourishing as well, providing alternatives to cookies, cakes and pastries. The below sweet treats are loaded with fiber, magnesium, potassium, high in Vitamin B, antioxidants, protein and healthy fats - all perfect for PMS balance, perimenopausal monster mode and more.
I like simple solutions for a sweet tooth and ones that will pack a punch against how I’m feeling. Comparison is the death of joy, and these are not cookies, nor can they replace cookies. But they can, however, replace nutrients your body may be missing or craving during the month.
Having a hormonal snack attack , try these on for size.
Dried Dates Stuffed with Nut Butter
Need a sweet fix? Dried dates are relatively inexpensive and they help you poop. Total bonus for PMS constipation and, while this is not banter for a food post, alas, here we are. Dried dates have a nifty seam where they have been pitted and that hollow hole can be stuffed with cheese or a nut butter. Pick your sweet or savory poison. I like ‘em both ways.
I like to stuff dried dates with peanut butter or almond butter and top them with coconut flakes and or sprinkles or more chopped nuts. Sometimes I’ll make a little line of raisins on the top or mini chocolate chips. This often satisfies a sweet tooth and gives my body an all natural nutrient boost.
You can read more about the health benefits of bodacious dates here and check out the list below.
Here are 11 reasons to get your date on!
Natural Sweetener
Natural Energy Booster
High In Fiber
Aids In Digestion
Rich in B Vitamins + Potassium
Rich In Iron
Great For Bone Health + High In Magnesium
Makes The Skin Glow *Vitamin C + Vitamin D found in dates help with skin elasticity and smoothness
Add to smoothies for a sweet and fiber rich kick
Put on your morning toast with nut butter for long lasting energy all morning
Layer on and in your oatmeal as an alternative to raisins or brown sugar
Mini Banana Boats
Bananas are potassium filled an anti-bloat weapon. They are also super pre and post workout to support energy and to prevent muscle cramps . I love them in a smoothie and to eat one on the go while walking. However, while I adore bananas in the raw, I also like to dress them up and make them fancy. Well, fancy for me, when it comes to snacking differently
Cut one banana into fourths and slice each piece lengthwise. Top each side with nut butter and sprinkle with dried fruit or fresh blueberries, strawberries and chocolate chunks. Sweet, satisfying, loaded with texture and, again, health benefits.
When you’re having a craving or thinking about an alternative to plain fruit, think about jazzing up your basic fruits with little accoutrements. When you have nuts, seeds, dried fruits, nut butters and basic fruit handy - you can create magical little snacks that are satisfying and pack nutrient density so you’ll feel better.
You can read more about some rad evidence based health benefits of bananas here on Healthline.